General Information

The ASM projects n Rumania are almost exclusively financed by private donations. Only a very small percentage of the costs are covered by donations from the state.

Many of our supporters help us through donations, practical work, counselling and prayer.

Thanks to all of you!


Die Scheytt-Foundation is an independent Charity with private laws. Donations are special expenses and can be used for tax reductions by presenting a confirmation of donation paid.

The Scheytt-Foundation is recognised by the tax office in Borken under the tax number 307/5935/1259 “as direct tax favourable, charitable,and non-profitable” .

All members of the Scheytt-Foundation work voluntary.

We are happy, if you would like to help us. Every little contribution is a help for us.

Please remember to give us your address on the transfer form. In this way we will be able to give you confirmation of donations. You will receive the confirmation of donations for all donations which we have received at the beginning of the following year.

Bank Details:

Sparkasse Westmünsterland
Account Number: 35 117 050
BLZ: 401 545 30
IBAN: DE33 40154530 0035117050